Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wine Cork Recycling (Just in Time for Thanksgiving)

Look at this! This company in Missouri accepts used wine corks and turns them into tiles. Wouldn't those look great in a bar or kitchen? I wonder how many wine corks are usually trashed in the US between Thanksgiving and New Year's and how many tiles that would make. Is it weird how much I love recycling? I love it! I'm going to start recycling corks.

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody reading this in the US (and everybody everywhere else, too)! I'm glad that there's a holiday dedicated to giving thanks, because I think gratitude is is one of the most joyful things in life. I guess you could say I'm thankful for Thanksgiving! I'm also thankful for all of your hits. They make me smile every day. Thank you for visiting me! I have so much to be thankful for this year, and I hope you do, too!


Unknown said...

This is really cool.I love to recycle too! Now following!

mm said...

Thanks! Following back. :)