Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Out for Coffee and Snacks at Aux Delices

Jonathan and I stopped here to regroup in the middle of our quest for the perfect cookie jar for our doggies. Shut up! These yummy treats were just the fuel we needed. The chocolate croissant made us nostalgic for the USC Cinema cart, a mobile café that sold coffee and snacks in the lobby of the Lucas building, before the Lucas building was all fancy. They probably have Cinema croissant cyborgs or something now. I frown at you, children. I frown at you. Anyway, it was nice to reminisce. The weirdest thing happens when you've known someone a really long time: you start talking about stuff that took place in the past! Don't want to weird you out or anything, but it's true.

1 comment:

Epic Thread said...

Looks delicious!
Jillian - PS, if you have a moment, I'd love to invite you to check out the giveaway we're hosting for a $50.00 giftcard to Shabby Apple!
