Sunday, September 25, 2011

Purge of the Day: Email Subscriptions

As frequently happens with Purge of the Day, I feel like the rest of the post is implied by the title, but I guess I'm going to elaborate anyway. Because, you know, the best kind of blog is a blog written by somebody completely ambivalent to the idea of writing a blog. Really, I could have named my blog "I Don't Care,"but somebody probably already claimed that on Blogger. I wouldn't know because I don't feel like checking.

My eyes are bigger than my inbox. I don't know why, but I can't seem to say no to mailing lists. There's something convenient about being notified of sales or the grilling method of the week, but when I'm waiting for an important email and my phone buzzes, and it turns out that it's just the Kate Spade website announcing the color of the month... no. Just no.

When I (probably never) need any of this information, I can go looking for it. I don't have to be inundated with it every day. Cleaning out my inbox has become one of my least favorite daily chores, and it's one I'm making unnecessarily hard on myself. I'm going with the friendlier alternative of a well-organized bookmarks menu.

Unsubbed to 15+ lists. Moving on.

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